Friday, October 18, 2019

Discussion posts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Discussion posts - Essay Example An EMR would definitely help me as a nurse in such situations. I can seek the help of other doctors with the help of the EMR of the patient. It should be noted that EMRs usually contain information with respect to the laboratory results and a list of the patient’s medications. The second doctor can go through these details and suggest suitable medicines for the patient. CDSS tools can prevent drug interactions also. Suppose a medicine prescribed by a doctor may have interactions with another medicine used by the same patient. CDSS can help nurses to check the interactions between different medicines prescribed by the doctors. It is not necessary that the doctor may check such interactions before prescribing certain medicines to a particular patient. In such cases, nurses can check the possible interactions between different medicines used by the patient with the help of CDSS and remind the doctor about it. In short, CDSS and EMRs are the foundations of the modern healthcare systems which help me as a nurse immensely in decision making. My healthcare organization utilize EPIC as its documentation system. I begin my shift with verbal bedside report and by reviewing the electronic chart SBAR. I have an opportunity to review orders with pending discontinuance times and dates, labs, medication administration record and written documentation notes by each discipline within the hospital setting. I enjoy the electronic version because it limits problems with penmanship. Often times I use different areas within the EPIC system to help me understand the scientific rationale for orders and plans of care which helps me proactive care for my patient instead of reactive providing care. I have my dashboard settings set up to notify me of orders, results and new documentation notes to keep me abreast to updates regarding my patients care. I love the idea of having my chart at my fingertip without literally having the

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