Sunday, November 3, 2019

HUMAN RIGHTS LAW Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

HUMAN RIGHTS LAW - Assignment Example A council of Europe, which was then newly formed, drafted it in 1950 but it was enacted in 1953. The European Court of Human Rights was established by this convention so that any person who felt their rights were violated could take the matter to that court. The States that were bound to violate the rights were executed (Barstow 2010). The establishment of such a court for individuals’ protection from violations of human rights is a feature of innovation for a convention on human rights that is international. It offers an international active role for an individual. Internationally, the European convention is ranked first in the provision of a high degree of protection to individuals. This is implemented by active and full partnership with international organisations, civil society, and member states of the European Union, partner countries and regional organisations (Weissbrodt & De La Vega 2007). From a historical perspective, the establishment of a Human Rights protection regional system across Europe was seen as a response to two concerns. The first concern was in the second world war aftermath, where the convention drew inspiration from Universal Declaration of Human Rights to be part and parcel of the broader response of Allied powers to deliver agendas on human rights, through which a notion was tabled that serious violations of human rights were rampant in the second world war and could be prevented in the future. The second concern was that, the convention in Europe was an opportunity and a response towards the growth and development of Eastern Europe Communism and. It was in the concern to grant protection to the members of state of the European Council from subversion of the communist. The democratic societies within the convention have the necessary principles and values as required of them even though such principles

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